Tuesday, May 17, 2011


WORLD/ MING MING, THE PANDA, DIES AT 34: The world's oldest panda, Ming Ming, has died in China aged 34. Ming Ming died May 7 at the Xiangjiang Wild Animal World in Guangdong Province, however her death was only made public today. The female panda had lived at Xiangjiang since 1998, but had also travelled to zoos in London and Ireland during her long life. Vets found that her organs had deteriorated due to old age, leading to kidney failure. Pandas do not usually live past the age of 22 in captivity, or 15 in the wild. Ming Ming caused something of a diplomatic incident when she was sent to London Zoo in 1991 to mate with Berlin panda Bao Bao. She had to be returned to China after the pair fought and failed to produce any cubs. The photo of Ming Ming at Xiangjiang was taken August 21, 2009, and released today.

WORLD/ HEART DISEASE FOUND IN EGYPTIAN MUMMY: An Egyptian princess who lived 3500 years ago is thought to be the 1st known person to have developed heart disease, researchers said today. Doctors believe the princess would have needed a heart bypass if she were living now. Scans showed she had extensive blockages in arteries leading to her heart, brain, stomach and legs. The researchers say her case shows heart disease pre-dates a modern lifestyle. Princess Ahmose-Meryet-Amon, pictured, was from an illustrious Egyptian family. She lived in what is now Luxor from the year 1580 BC, and died in her 40s. Cardiac researchers from the US teamed up with colleagues at Al Azhar University in Cairo to analyze the remains of 52 mummies, including those of the princess. They performed full-body scans on mummies at the National Museum of Antiquities in Cairo. They had found evidence of hardening of the arteries in almost half the mummies scanned, researchers told a medical conference in Amsterdam. The team's work is now on hold because of the unrest in Egypt, but they hope to be able to stage further research expeditions if the new government gives them permission.

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